5 BEST Side Hustles To Make An Extra $3,000 Monthly Income

Bernard Okoth
4 min readJun 7, 2022

I’m going to tell you about five different side hustles that you can start today for free. You can easily make an extra 3 thousand dollars a month and have fun.

Digital Products

Create a digital product. There’s a lot of different digital products that you could be creating out there. Think about what people compliment you on and might be excited to give you money for.

You have knowledge worth sharing, and we can help you do it. If you’ve ever considered creating an online course, you’ve come to the right place.

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There are a lot of places like Gumroad, Etsy, Appsumo and other places that you can actually sell and promote your product actively.

Flipping Stuff

Flipping stuff online is not literally doing flips but selling things. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

What I would actually encourage you if you think about flipping, is to try to find things that you have some expertise or understanding of.

Try to find products that are undervalued or you can fix. If you just put in the work and the effort, you can find really good deals. It’s just the amount of time you’re willing to put in that matters

Use Your Day Job to Fund Your Side Hustle

I actually got my side hustle business financed through my consultant day job. The big thing to really think about is what skill do you have in your day job?

Are you doing sales?

Are you doing marketing?

Are you doing coding?

Whatever it is you have some skill in your day job, think about what you can use to transfer that to some type of side hustle income.

If you have a day job, that means you have the freedom at night, lunches, morning, and weekends to start a bunch of side hustle projects.

I promise you if you’re willing to put in the work and commit to it for some period of time, you will be able to create side hustle income.

Selling Baked Goods

A school teacher who took my monthly 1k course now makes a significant amount of side hustle income selling cookies.

You have probably already done something that people are excited to pay for. Take some time to think about it or even ask one of your friends.

Organizing Network Events

I actually made over $200,000 organizing networking events. I wasn’t trying to make money on it. I just created an event and activity that I was really excited to go to myself.

Turned out to make a lot of money. I would actually say one of my regrets with that is that I didn’t actually hire someone to continue the events, and make it actually a full-time sizable business.

Is there an event that you would create for yourself that you would pay money for? You might be surprised a lot of the other people that would pay money for that event.

Now how do you sell tickets for it? There’s sites like Eventbrite and Hopkin where you could post these events. If you’re thinking about starting an event, just write out a one-pager.

What would be a dream event for you?

Who would be speaking there?

How much would the tickets be?

Is there anything else happening?

Is it offline now?

If you’re trying to start a side hustle of events and any other type of business, create a really quick google spreadsheet outlining your costs.

These may include ticket prices, pay for speakers, food, registration fees, and how much do you actually need to make. Aim for break even so that everything else is going to be profit.

Key takeaways from this list of side hustle income is to look at stuff you’re already doing or have done that people have gotten excited about. Also think about a target for your side hustle income.

From what I’ve seen based on data and working with thousands of people, you want to make a thousand dollars a month. As long as you work on something for 12 months, you’ll make a thousand dollars a month.

Look for places that have active customers within your network or in marketplaces like Appsumo.com, Etsy, or Amazon. There are active customers looking to buy your product.

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