Books That I Read And Made Me A Millionaire

Bernard Okoth
8 min readJan 27, 2022


Today I want to share with you books that really changed my life and helped me become a millionaire. By using the knowledge in these books there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t become successful and also very wealthy.

So I’m gonna count down the old classic books to the new breakout hits so that you get my favorite books.

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One of them was published over 70 years ago, and I’m only 52. At school I was the dyslexic kid and I struggled to even read a single book. I had to force myself to read because I knew reading was gonna be so important.

Even after forcing myself to read, I used to struggle to remember what I actually read in the first place. But for some reason these books have really stuck in my mind and that proves how good these books actually are.

The first book is “The Magic of Thinking Big” by Dr. David Schwartz. This book really helped me open my mind and think much bigger and act bigger. And you know what? It even helped me live a bigger life. I mean, just imagine you’ve got two people, one has a huge aspiration, and one thinks much smaller.

Who are you gonna bet your money on? You’re gonna put your money on the guy who thinks big, of course. Even at school I proudly announced that one day I would be a millionaire.

And that teachers and the other kids would just laugh and they’d say, if you’re not good enough for university, then you’re never going to make it to be a millionaire. When I was first thinking about quitting my job and setting up my own business, I felt like I wasn’t really prepared and there was so much I didn’t know.

But this book also really helped me realize that I needed to just take action. The truth is, the perfect moment would never, ever come, and the longer I waited, the more scared I would be.

So if you feel you need to make a big change in your thinking and your environment, then this is a great book to read or listen to, of course.

One book that’s been really impactful on my life is this one “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. There are always times in your life that you need to make a good impression.

For example, a job interview or with your new girlfriend’s dad. Or when trying to communicate to a business that you want to work with, and you don’t even speak the same language.

I’m naturally quite a shy person, and when I was younger, I was even more, so I used to hate those first awkward conversations and also standing up in class and having to read out loud, but when I read this book it really helped me overcome this.

If you wanna be successful, then a really important step to achieve along the way is to be able to get on with people. As they say, your network is your net worth. The more people you’re able to become friends with, the more people that will be able to help you out along the way. A lot of my success can be drilled down to the people I know.

I even use the principles in this book to make friends with people in the far east that now make my products in their factories.

This book isn’t about hypnotizing people into liking you, it’s just a lot of powerful practical advice that many successful people have used during their lives, including former presidents.

And you know what? It’s good enough for Abraham Lincoln than it’s certainly good enough for me. I want you to include a book by Robert Kiyosaki on this list.

You may have already heard about his most famous one, “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. But you may not have heard about his other book, “The CASHFLOW Quadrant”, which I personally prefer.

If you’ve ever wanted to be able to sip drinks on a tropical island, and never have to worry about money or work ever again, then this could be the book for you.

Basic idea about this book is the different ways that you’re able to earn money and create long-term wealth. For example, you have, working for someone else, being self-employed, owning a business, and being an investor. He shows this all in his diagram.

I liked this way of looking at it as it’s kind of like a video game with different levels. The end game being business owners and investors. When I read this book the first time it opened my eyes up so much, I had to read it again. I was already running my own business.

Well, although I was running my own business, but it helped me see that I was actually focusing too much on the wrong areas and not fully letting my money truly build the wealth for me.

So whatever stage you are in your life this will help you see the bigger picture and how you can escape the rat race and build your wealth.

This next book really put into words, what I’ve been thinking for over 20 years it’s called “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. Just think about this. Elon Musk could not have built Tesla or SpaceX without other people’s help. He needed to be the driving force to inspire others to achieve his dreams.

The amazing thing is that SpaceX workers could probably earn a lot more work if in NASA, but they prefer to work for Elon Musk because he is a great leader with exceptional vision.

Maybe you don’t wanna be the next Elon Musk, but in order to get that next promotion, or get your dream job, start your own business, or get the partner of your dreams, you need to have great leadership skills.

This book really spoke to me because it looks at everything from an opposite way to everyone else. Most people start with, what? They may even progress to, how?

But it’s not often that people really ask, why? During my life, the successful people that I have met have all shared a common trait, they have been able to inspire and motivate others.

This is what really sets apart normal people from successful people. When I was trying to inspire you to read this book, I didn’t try to pitch you the revolutionary ideas that Simon has, I instead focused on the why, the direct benefits to you and your life.

And you know what? The reason I know it’s right for you is because it tells me that you want more from life. This maybe a small one, but it’s extremely powerful.

And it’s called “Little Book of Common Sense Investing”. You may be confused about the stock market, as there are always people that come at you with the best ways to invest on YouTube and on TikTok.

Is it Forex, is it Bitcoin, how about individual stocks? Often it can be hard to invest, because you’re not sure which company to invest in, and which are going to give you the best returns.

You end up not investing at all. But what if I was telling that in this little book lies a very very simple strategy that anyone can use and consistently grow your money with the stock market.

This may sound too good to be true. You might even think I’m a bit crazy, but this book is written by John C. Bogle, the founder of Vanguard index funds, which is the investment website.

I’m constantly banging on about it and what’s more, I don’t even get paid for it. That’s how you know it’s so good. This little book helped me shift my investing to a much longer term strategy.

Beforehand, I was just guessing the individual stock investments, which luckily paid off for me at the time, but that’s not the case for everyone.

And it can be very frightening watching your investments on a daily basis. I actually wish this book had been around when I was younger, as long term, my money would have grown at a much faster rate.

I recommend everyone in their life reads a negotiation book. And the sooner you do the better. My favorite is, “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss.

Now, Chris is a former FBI negotiator who in every chapter reveal stories of how he was able to talk down and diffuse a hostage situation. Now, you may not need to be able to talk down a hostage situation, but life is a negotiation.

Every time you go into your boss and ask for a pay rise, every time you ask your parents to go out for a partying session, or even buying a new car, it’s all about being able to negotiate in a way that doesn’t rely on you compromising or splitting the difference.

That might sound strange, but when Chris Voss is in a hostage situation he can’t say, hmm, all I have to and you keep too. And he also can’t offer the money.

So the art of great negotiation is to get exactly what he wants. I was offered over a million dollars worth of goods for quarter of a million. And with the lessons I learned, I was able to negotiate it down to less than $100,000.

So it’s a win-win, you’ve got to learn to negotiate. So this is definitely a great read with a mixture of high stakes scenarios and real actionable advice.

There is no way this book can not change your life for the better. This was the first physical audio book that I’ve purchased. It’s called “Disrupt Yourself” by Jay Samit. I’d already read book, but by listening to the audio version, I was able to get all those extra nuggets of information that I may not have gotten otherwise.

Our society really isn’t as predictable as it once was. Things like viruses can change the landscape of the world in just a few months. This means you can’t just learn one set of skills nowadays.

This may have been the case when I was leaving school, but now we’re in a much faster moving world. So if you would like to become wealthy and also successful you need to be able to think out of the box.

Actually, to be fair, you need to break the box entirely. As a business donor, I’ve always had to pivot and adapt to the change in times.

To stay ahead of the curve, basically, the internet came along and it could have just wiped us out had I not embrace it. And you know what? By embracing the change it became a great asset to my company.

This book, get you into the mindset you will need to navigate the rapidly changing world. It’s all about not wasting all your energies in fighting change.

When you could be embracing the disruption to the norm and making great strides into the future, creating lasting wealth for you. Which books are you going to choose?

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