How You’re Conditioned To Be Poor & What To Do About It
The game of life is rigged against you and you’ll never be rich. Well, that’s what they want you to think. So unfortunately, the facts suggest that you’ll most likely be poor and won’t achieve financial freedom and will work until you’re 67 or maybe even later.
But to hell with the facts you’re being stitched up. I’m always writing about different ways to make money and build your wealth. But something I’ve never addressed is how you’re being brainwashed by society.
I honestly think this could be the most important article that I ever write. I came from a poor background and became a millionaire for a lot of hard work and dedication.
When I think back to when I was younger, there is one thing that really stands out and it was my inability to accept the norm. I could teach you all the business and investing tips in the world. But if you’re still limited by society, you’ll never be successful.
So today, let’s talk about how you’re being brainwashed and most importantly, what you can do about it. The school system is designed to lock you in handcuffs.
They trap you but they’re also just comfortable enough to make escaping an inconvenience. But seriously, I’m not bashing learning or even teachers. I’m just very against the current school system and how it’s completely stuck in the past.
It’s no secret that the world needs workers, and it makes complete sense that school programs you into this work and mindset from a very young age or to create paycheck to paycheck workers.
Let me take you back to 1902 when a man named John Rockefeller created the general education board. And in today’s money, he invested over one billion dollars adjusted for inflation. John is widely considered the richest American of all time.
And you might be thinking ‘wow, what a great guy? He donated a fortune to help future generations.’ Wrong, he had a completely different motive. Rockefeller was an oil tycoon, and therefore, didn’t want a nation of thinkers.
He wanted a nation of workers, the absolute best way to create workers on a mass scale was inventing the school system as we know it. If you think about it, this was a complete stroke of genius.
He designed a factory that produced workers by funneling kids down through a controlled path with little individual treatment, strict deadlines, and teachers enforcing the rules.
The truth is, this didn’t just provide John with the perfect workers but it also eliminated a lot of future competition, as kids simply didn’t believe they could compete in the big leagues when they grew up.
Now one thing I must make clear, back then, this probably was okay. It gave people a job. Some education empowered people with skills and allowed them to contribute to society.
But the school system hasn’t been revamped for decades. Personal finance
entrepreneurship and critical thinking are still overlooked. One thing that really annoys me is when schools put kids through career predicted tests, that are meant to tell you what job you’re going to have when you’re older.
This is completely flawed as our world is moving too fast for them to keep up. Yeah, I started a digital marketing business and that wasn’t even around when I did the test.
I wouldn’t be writing a blog because that certainly didn’t exist when I was at school in the dark ages. When I was younger, I thought I hated education as I was forced to study subjects that I wasn’t interested in.
But when I left school, I realized I loved learning about things I actually had a passion for like business and personal finance. I’m not saying school is awful and you should leave. But it does go to show what’s important isn’t being taught, and therefore, further conditioning you to be poor.
They just want to funnel you down the same path as everyone else and if you take that path, then you’ll end up just like everyone else. Most people believe there is no alternative path, and therefore, have lost even before they’ve got started.
Just think of the intro to the Simpsons. Lisa is kicked out of class for playing her own tune. They don’t want people to think differently. School was not and is not designed to make you smart or creative.
In fact, it probably kills your creativity. If you’re lucky enough to be born in a first world country, then I would argue that your potential is unlimited. The only thing holding you back is how you’ve been programmed.
And a big part of that is of course your parents. I used to tell my son to be the sponge. This is because when you’re younger, it’s far easier to learn new things.
Research shows that after the age of 25, your brain patterns start to solidify which means it’s much harder to learn new things. Good thing I’ve got a few more years left.
The trouble is when you’re younger, it can be much harder to know what information is true, and what’s a lie. As a kid, you just have to take your parents word for most things as you can’t exactly fact check everything.
This means as well as learning lots of useful things, people are also programmed with many wrong beliefs. This all happens subconsciously and if your role models have an unhealthy relationship with money, then you’ll absorb these traits into your personality.
School conditioned you to be poor, so you’ve got no choice but to turn to your parents for help and financial advice. But they generally don’t know either because for one, they went through the same school system as you. And two, even if they do know, they don’t want to talk about money.
As a kid, I used to ask my parents questions like how much money do you make? What does the rent cost? And how much tax do you have to pay every time?
I asked a question like this and I got told not to be so rude. I think the same happens for most kids. We are just expected to figure it all out by ourselves which is a recipe for disaster.
I get that it’s a taboo subject but if no one talks about it, how can the next generation learn how to manage their money correctly? I don’t even want to think how hard it is to talk to most parents about crypto.
They don’t want to speak about money let alone digital currencies. A recent study shows only 46 percent of parents said they’d talk to their children about money.
Now I find this staggering as sheltering people from the realities of life is just setting them up to fail in the future. This has resulted in us living in a society where upper middle class families are still living paycheck to paycheck and unable to cover unexpected expenses.
People are being brainwashed into believing that they will never have enough and that their circumstances will never change. This is dangerous as whenever you’re presented with a problem or even an opportunity that seems daunting, instead of facing it head on, you might miss it entirely.
I believe that life throws you lots of opportunities but if you aren’t ready, then they’ll just go to somebody else. With that said, it makes sense that the way you think about money plays a huge role in beating the rigged system and becoming financially free or better yet, a multi-millionaire.
A whole new battle that millennials and gen z are facing is with social media. For my generation, at least we could get away from school and our parents. However, social media is always there even when you go to bed.
It’s so hard to look away as there is so much content online. This is leading to people spending longer and longer on their phones. The tech companies are too busy lining their pockets so they don’t consider that they’re creating a generation of tappers and swipes.
Imagine all the future millionaires that are being robbed of their fortunes because they’re addicted to their phones and they never take action towards their goals.
The global attention span is narrowing which makes it harder to break out of the system as there are so many distractions. There are billions of people around the world that use social media. And there’s no shortage of people living your dream life and sharing their photos and videos online.
This can subconsciously brainwash you into thinking that you’re not good enough or you’ll never be as rich as them. But the reality is you’re only seeing the over-glorified things that they want you to see.
They never let you see the debt and negativity in their life. This causes people to take unnecessary risk in the hopes of getting rich. For example, imagine seeing someone make millions by investing in a new crypto coin so you buy into it, and try and get the same results only to see your money wiped out.
In a few seconds, the thing you thought would get you rich quick ends up getting you poor even quicker. Now I’m not saying social media is bad. It’s actually a brilliant tool for networking and sharing stories.
It’s just important not to get roped into other people’s lives so much so that it negatively impacts your personal growth ultimately keeping you poor. It’s all about having a creative not a consumer mindset.
When I see things on social media, I extract inspiration and use that information to better myself and my businesses. So now you know why the system is rigged.
Let’s discuss how you can beat it. When I was younger, I saw a huge mansion worth over a million dollars and I said to my friends that one day, I would own a house like that.
They just laughed at me and said it was impossible. The way I saw it was if someone else had it, then why couldn’t I? Sadly, many of my friends had already given up without realizing it.
They didn’t believe it was possible so they had lost before they’d even got started. Of course, I don’t just believe in wishing and manifesting something into existence.
Personally, I think that’s a bit of mumbo jumbo. However, thinking practically about how you can achieve something and not limiting yourself is extremely beneficial to success.
I believe it all starts with self belief. Instead of thinking I can’t do this, ask yourself, how can I do this? Set yourself goals and strive to meet them.
Remember do or do not, there is no try. I also don’t like the saying that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, as some people certainly have unfair advantages not awarded to everyone.
I’m talking about having a wealthy family, ideal location, a great education, or extreme good looks like me. But even if you don’t have any of these, you will have your own unfair advantages that you can identify and exploit to the max.
I would say mine was actually starting with no money as it meant that I had to be more creative with my ideas. This now means that I can stretch cash much further than most people.
This links back to what I said about being a creator and not a consumer. Having a consumer mindset not only prevents you from seizing opportunities, it can also lead to blowing all your money.
This is because when you start out, it may seem like the money you’re making is insignificant but that’s completely disregarding compound interest and the power of saving and investing money.
Over the long term, this can turn small amounts into huge fortunes. The world is full of consumers and hard workers. You need to do something different if you want to become wealthy.
So stop playing the rigged game and take control of your own future. All you need is one lucky opportunity to present itself and with the right attitude and preparation, and maybe a leap of faith, you’ll be able to take advantage of it.
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