I Just Found The Best INVESTMENT In 2022
So I found the next best investment, and it’s not stocks, real estate, or even crypto!
Today, I’m going to be talking about the fast track to success that almost every single millionaire has followed. Most of you don’t wanna invest in the stock market, and finally become a millionaire when you reach a ripe old age of 67.
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But the reality is you don’t have to wait that long. Honestly, I think there’s a bit of an obsession at the moment with finding the next big crypto coins that are about to explode, or the next stock that’s gonna have a short squeeze, like GameStop.
But what if I was to tell you, you’re looking at your next best investment right in the mirror. I know this is the truth because I’m talking from experience.
I didn’t become a multimillionaire by finding the next big thing. Although to be honest, it would have be nice. But it just is so highly unlikely to happen.
It’s like finding a needle in a haystack. And if you spend too long looking, other opportunities will whiz straight by. So I’m gonna be running through why you’re the best investment, what you can do to drastically multiply your money, and how I’ve been successful doing it.
Let me just make something clear. I’m not saying investing in the stock market and crypto currency is a bad thing. As you know, I’m always preaching long-term investing.
However, initially, it’s definitely more profitable to invest in yourself. First, we have to talk about opportunity cost. The other day, I was shocked to find out that 53% of people aged 22 to 29 have absolutely no savings.
This is sad to hear, as these are the years when the world opens up to you. And if you aren’t able to take advantage of the opportunities presented, then you may start to fall behind.
However, even if you do manage to save some money, nowadays, there are so many places you can invest it. The number of different choices can be paralyzing, therefore, you may end up just doing nothing at all.
This is because you could get scared about investing in the wrong place, and therefore, making a mistake. If you’re able to get over this hurdle and start investing, when you begin, you may have only a little bit of money, and there’s no shame in that.
It’s where we all started. Unless you’re a trust fund baby. This can make risky investments more tempting, as in order to make substantial money, you have to be getting some amazing returns.
Earlier on in my career, I had the opportunity to buy $1.3 million worth of product from a competing business which had recently gone bankrupt.
At the time, my investment portfolio was down, so I didn’t wanna sell my stocks and realize those losses. Look at me, do I look like I’ve got paper hands?
Luckily, I had half the money available in my bank account to make this deal happen. I paid 50% upfront, and the other 50% a month or so later, once I’ve sold some of the stock.
Because you know me, if there’s a deal to be done, I’m having it! This deal ended up pocketing me a hefty profit of over half a million dollars.
Just think about it. If I didn’t make this deal happen, one of my competitors would have. The lesson here is sometimes there is a cost of tying up your money in assets that can’t easily be turned back into cash without any consequences.
Now we have to talk about control. Would you give your last $1,000 to a stranger and hope he comes back with a small amount of profit? Of course not, that would be crazy.
But believe it or not, that is what millions of people are doing when they’re investing everything in crypto and stocks. Put it this way. If you wake up and decide you want to make a bit more money, it’s completely within your control to get out there and put in the effort, but you can’t just wake up and make the markets boom.
Well, unless your name’s Elon Musk, even when Elon sold his company Zip2 and received a payout of $22 million for his share in the business, he decided to funnel most of that money into another company he started called X.com, which eventually became PayPal and was sold to east buy for $1.5 billion, which Elon profited $165 million from.
If Elon managed all of this within a three year time horizon by investing in himself, just imagine what you could do. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you.
He’s currently the richest man in the world. Therefore, if there was a secret, amazing investment opportunity, then he would have known about it. The reality is he knows control is invaluable, especially if you believe in yourself.
Personally, just before the dot-com bubble, I started to feel a bit uncomfortable with the state of the markets. Now I never claimed to be an expert, but I pulled my money out exactly the right time and invested into my business, giving me full control over that capital.
If I hadn’t have done this, who knows where my businesses would have been now. This is why you first start investing in things you can have an immediate impact on, then branch out into more passive investments.
Just remember, with investing, your capital is at risk. People always ask me, “when’s the best time to invest?” My answer is never to time the market because no one knows what’s going to happen next.
Well, unless you’re insider trading, of course. Now this is a great answer. Well, of course it is, it was from me. However, you could be unlucky and invest just before a crash, which could mean it takes years to get back your initial investment.
But think about it, when it comes to investing in yourself, it doesn’t matter about the current events, because if we’re in a booming market, then that’s great.
And if we’re heading into a crash, then you’re gonna be more equipped to handle it. Investing in yourself comes in a lot of different forms. For example, buying books, courses, equipment, or even starting a business or side hustle.
It’s all about sharpening your tools so you can better navigate any situation that’s thrown your way. Sometimes that’s even just going on a relaxing holiday to reboot your batteries.
I could really use one of them right about now. Just imagine it, a tall lanky ginger-haired guy laying on the beach, going pink like a lobster. No, but seriously, it doesn’t just stop there.
88% of millionaires are reported to be self-made. And I believe are five core skills that are essential to their success. These are communication, negotiation, closing, leadership and marketing.
Of course there are tons of other useful skills, but these are the main ones I’ve noticed my multimillionaire friends have in common. It’s important to consider scalability.
Imagine investing in Apple or Tesla before they were even a thing. This would only be possible if you were an angel investor, otherwise you’d have had to have waited until they went public on the stock market like everyone else.
The people who made the real profits were the ones that started a business or got in on the ground floor. Some may say there’s a lot more risk involved with this, but in my opinion, if you believe in yourself and you have control over your destiny, then it’s a lot less risky than you might think.
Now I’m not saying I could start Tesla, but I could probably start Apple. No, but seriously, you’ve got a much better chance of doing this
than constantly searching and trying to find the next Shiba Inu or Doge coin.
On average, people expect to make a 10% yearly return from the stock market. But in business, this would be absolutely atrocious. This is because starting a business or a side hustle allows you to scale small amounts of money into large sums very quickly if done correctly.
There is of course a ceiling to this success where more money going in doesn’t necessarily mean quicker growth. And when that happens, the stock market returns become more appealing.
I started my business with $5,000, which I earned through side hustles and working a nine to five job. Instead of putting this money into someone else’s hands, I decided to take action and start my business.
This business now turns over multiple millions per year, and looking back, it really was the best decision I could have ever made. I think that this is very achievable as I haven’t come up with anything groundbreakingly new.
My goal was just to improve on other people’s businesses. Put simply, I didn’t have to reinvent the wheel. Although I did invent a few new radio-controlled models.
I’m not saying throw all your money into a business and it will make you rich. Your first name should be to make a business, passively generate profit, and then to secondly, diversify and invest elsewhere.
Now let’s have a real talk about obstacles and excuses. I always hear, “I don’t have enough money,” “I don’t have enough time,” or “I don’t know enough.”
And most people will never get over these obstacles and let them become lifelong excuses. The harsh truth is, that whatever obstacles you fail to overcome will turn into excuses and that’s all you’ll be left with.
I grew up in a poor household. Therefore, money was a huge obstacle for me. Because of this, it’s always been down to me to make money. I couldn’t borrow it, I couldn’t ask for it, I just had to go out and get it.
Doing this from a very early age forced me to form the habit of wealth creation and has helped shape me into who I am today. Another obstacle was my appearance.
I was a very tall ginger kid and everyone used to call me copper top and Duracell. I couldn’t exactly hide either, because being six foot five, I stuck out like a sore thumb everywhere.
So rather than using this as an excuse and becoming very shy, I did the opposite. I use comedy to deflect and made sure everyone’s laughing with me instead of at me.
I’m also dyslexic. And why they make that such a hard word to spell, I will never know. Many people see this as a disadvantage. My teachers always said I was lazy because I didn’t perform well in class.
I just found it really hard to focus as my mind was always wandering. But this has actually helped me in my business as I think in a disruptive way.
And this means I come up with solutions no one else thinks of. I think the saying that some people are good at school and others are good at life is very true.
So if you start thinking of excuses, then remember this, some of the most successful people I know have the most obstacles, but the fewest excuses. The one person you’re stuck with is yourself. So you may as well be the best version. You are your greatest asset, never forget that.
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